Jesus fucking christ, I am altering the normal program of only posting free Bandcamp releases to bring you Pariah. This is 100% exactly what I want to listen to 100% of the time. This is my dream blend of Harrowed, Moral Void, Cult Leader, Siberian Hell Sounds, Minors, Leeched, Early Graves, Gaza, Deathrite, Avhath, Svffer, Worms Feed, Trap Them etc. etc. If you haven't figured it out, this is so far up my alley it's almost unreal. But this shouldn't come as too much of a surprise, these 4 dudes have been in so many killer bands, such as Geist, End Reign, Cholera, Eyeteeth, Zealots & Thirty Seconds Until Armageddon. I'm probably missing some but you get the idea here. This 12" vinyl that they have unleashed is 5 tracks of perfect, blackened, pissed off, sludge-y, catchy & crusty metallic hardcore blended together seamlessly with glorious feedback (The LP will come with an exclusive Noise track on the B-Side). And while I love a tight 15-minute release, the selfish part of me wishes that this was longer. But hopefully there is more to come from this band in the future.
For now, stream it wherever you do that shit at, or pre-order the vinyl or digital at Bandcamp (Vinyl releases on May 30th). Personally I will be stalking this band on Instagram and YouTube. I hope you all enjoy this too, but I'm willing to bet you will. This is a crushing, oppressive debut, in the best way. Pariah is without a doubt Dead Air At The Pulpit-Approved.