Coffin Dragger-Desperation EP (2017)

Country: Canada
Genre: Hardcore, Punk, Metal
Label: Self-Released
Tracks: 7
Length: 11.0'

Coffin Dragger is a five piece band from London, Ontario who formed in 2016, from the looks of things.  Coffin Dragger play a vicious and brutal as fuck style of music that incorporates elements of hardcore, punk, and metal within their sound.  Musically, Coffin Dragger can be loosely compared to bands such as Dangers, Everything Went Black, Incendiary, Trenchfoot, and other like-minded bands.  Desperation is the band's debut seven song EP, which was released on January 7th, 2017.  On Desperation, Coffin Dragger offer up seven tracks of vicious and brutal as fuck sounding hardcore, punk, and metal.  Overall, Desperation makes for a killer listen and should not be missed.  Highly recommended!  Enjoy!

(Band Submission)

Coffin Dagger on Bandcamp
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Myspace Deathcore said...

The name of the band is misspelled. It's coffin dragger

Anonymous said...

Coffin Dragger. Get it right. Wicked band though !!

Chris Morris said...

Sorry, my bad.