Balcanes-Carne Nueva MLP (2016)

Country: Spain
Genre:  Punk, Noise Rock
Label: Discos Humeantes
Tracks: 5
Length: 23.0'

Balcanes is a band from Humo, Spain who formed in 2014, from the looks of things.  Balcanes play a devastatingly blown out style of music that incorporates elements of punk and noise rock within their sound.  Musicalluy, Balcanes can be said to be influenced by bands such as The Jesus Lizard, Cult Ritual, Whores, and other Neonblud.  Since forming in 2014, Balcanes have released a two song EP titled Platforma/Autopista in February of 2014.  Carne Nueva is the band's latest five song mini LP, which was released on October 5th, 2016.  On Carne Nueva, Balcanes  offer up five tracks of blown out and completely noise damaged punk.  Overall, Carne Nueva makes is a killer EP and should not be missed.  Highly recommended!  Enjoy!

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