Asamblea Internacional Del Fuego-Dialectica Negativo LP (2016)

Country: Chile
Genre: Post Hardcore, Hardcore, Punk, Screamo
Label: Fifa/Amendment/Celadores/Infermes Records
Tracks: 8
Length: 38.0'

Asamblea Internacional del Fuego (abbreviated AIDF) is a chilean post-hardcore band, formed in august 2001. The band has marxist influence, also, influencied by bands as , Joy Division, Los Crudos, Frail, Refused, Supersordo (chilean band), Amanda Woodward, Touché Amoré (recently), and more varied acts. AIDF is considereted the most famous "old-screamo" band in spanish-speaking.
At 2005, AIDF toured in Europe, in the counties of Germany, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Spain and Austria, having a great acceptance by the public French and Spanish.
The vocalist Emilio Fabar leaves the band, giving his last concert with the band in Zaragoza, Spain, in May 20th, 2005, concluding the tour. On April 8th, 2006, the band gave only a concert, in Santiago, with the vocalist of hardcore punk band Distancia, Juan Francisco Peña. After this, the band was on indefinity hiatus.
The rumors of a reunion began in late 2009. AIDF made its debut after years of inactivity on December 19th, 2010, in Santiago, with the old vocalist. In the same year, the labels Jupiter Records and Andamios & Plataformas released the compilation album called Instrumentales, eight instrumental demo songs recorder in July 2002, for the album Comunión with the new guitarist Juan José Sánchez, produced by Rubén Úrzua.
At may 2011, Asamblea Internacional del Fuego was presented for the first time in Argentina, with the bands La Última Canción del Mundo, Mofa, Ostende and ZxAxT.
In may 2012, the band via Facebook up a short studio video with a new instrumental song, together the notice that the band will release the fourth studio album at the year, be called Dialéctica Negativa. Currently, the band is on tour in Chilean citys to raise money for the recording. (Press Note)


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