so between my work schedule lately and my recent guns n' roses kick, I haven't really had time to find many new bands but I did manage to pull this out for the first time in forever. really forgot how good they were. mid nineties hardcore out of Indiana. raw, chaotic, off the charts energy level, and just really fucking good. members would go on to form/join bands like burn it down, time in malta, the dream is dead, and many others. get on it


ADAM said...

Amazing dude. The first punk band I was in recorded a split 7" with the Problematics in Lafayette Indiana. Todd from Ice Nice played guitar in The Problematics and I remember everyone talking about this other band he was in called Ice Nine. This was like 20 god damned years ago so its funny as shit to see this pop up here. thanks dude

Jerm said...

Man thats crazy. I actually worked backwards to find ice nine. I was already a fan of burn it down and time in malta.