so out of all of stove bredskys projects not named cave in, pet genius is by far my favorite, and also probably his most eclectic. and probably the biggest showcase of the true talent that he is. this shits all over the map but grounded in a beatles like psychedelic pop. imagine "abbey road" and qotsa "era vulgaris" funneled through the black keys or maybe the white stripes. now that you've got that picture as the basis for whats going on here, certain songs stray down other paths. "erase the speed of time" sounds like a mash up of retox and Hendrix. "scrapyard king" could have been on any alternative rock station circa 1995. "man on the mountain" is as heavy as Sabbath in a "the wizard" sort of  way. this is infectious bluesy heavy garage pop and I love it. both eps and full length included

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