Plural Being-Demo (2016)

Country: USA
Genre: Punk, Noise Rock'
Label: IFB Records
Tracks: 5
Length: 15.0'

Plural Being is a Fort Meyers based band who formed in 2016.  Plural Being features members of Merkit and Panzram, so going on that alone, you know you're in for some killer tunes.  Plural Being play an ugly, raw, and blown-out noise damaged punk.  This is the band;s debut five song demo cassette, which was released via IFB records on December 8th, 2016.  On their debut demo, Plural Being offer up five tracks of killer noise damaged/off-kilter punk music that's an absolute must listen for fans of Throat, Brown Sugar, Milk Music, Slices, and other like-minded bands.  Highly recommended!  Enjoy! 

IFB Records on Bandcamp
Listen Here

Pummeled-Demo (2016)

Country: USA
Genre: Punk, Sludge, Grunge, Noise Rock

Label: Self-Released
Tracks: 4
Length: 16.0'

Pummeled is a two piece band from Pittsburgh, PA who formed in 2016.  Pummeled play a killer style of music that incorporates elements of punk, sludge, grunge, and noise rock within their sound.  Musically, Pummeled cite Helmet, Melvins, Nirvana, and Sonic Youth as influences, which definitely shows up in the band's sound and style.  This is Pummeled's debut four track demo, which was released on November 28th, 2016.  On their debut four song demo, Pummeled offer up four tracks of killer punk, sludge, grunge, and noise rock that's an absolute must listen for fans of Bardus, T-Tops, Whores, and Pigs.  Overall, this demo makes for a killer listen.  Highly recommended!  Enjoy!

(Band Submission)

Pummeled on Bandcamp
Pummeled on Facebook
Listen Here 

Riot Stares-S/t 7" (2016)

Country: USA
Genre: Hardcore, Punk

Label: Self-Released
Tracks: 4
Length: 12.0'

Riot Stares is a five piece band from Charleston, South Carolina who formed in early 2016, from the looks of things.  Riot Stares features members of Discourse, WVRM, and False Light, so going on that alone, you know you're in for something truly special.  Riot Stares play a killer style of 90's influenced metallic hardcore influenced by bands such as Snapcase and early Refused.  This is the band's debut four song 7", which was released on July 6th, 2016.  Overall, Riot Stares' self-titled 7" makes for a killer listen.  Highly recommended!  Enjoy!

Riot Stares on Bandcamp
Listen Here

Subjects/Rulers-S/T Cassette (2016)

Country: USA
Genre: Post Hardcore, Punk, Screamo
Label: IFB/Zegema Beach Records
Tracks: 2
Length: 30.0'

Subjects/Rulers were a short-lived band from Nashville, Tennessee who formed in 2015.  Subjects/Rulers featured 2/3's of the bands Cease Upon The Capital and Dolcim.  Subjects/Rulers play a heavy, math rock leaning, and dynamic style of music that incorporates elements of post hardcore, punk, and screamo within their sound.  This is the band's self-titled full-length LP, which was released via IFB and Zegema Beach records on December 20th, 2016.  On their self-titled LP, Subjects/Rulers offer up eight tracks of well executed post hardcore, punk, and screamo.  Overall, Subjects/Rulers have absolutely nailed it with this release.  Highly recommended!  Enjoy!  It's a shame these guys called it quits because this album is amazing.   Subjects/Rulers self-titled cassette was released via IFB and Zegema Beach records on December 20th, 2016.

Subjects/Rulers on Bandcamp
IFB Records on Bandcamp
Zegema Beach Records on Bandcamp
Purchase via IFB
Purchase via Zegema Beach
Listen Here  

(U.S.) Mothercountry Motherfuckers-Confidential Human Source LP (2016)

Country: USA
Genre: Hardcore, Punk
Label: Clean Plate/Empyre Record Holdings
Tracks: 12
Length: 27.0'

The NDA’s have expired and the long-rumored MC/MF LP is finally public for eager hearts & minds everywhere! Recorded in 2010, this project stands as fallen member Sarah Kirsch’s departing haiku to all kindred spirits still left behind enemy lines. Originally intended as internal training material for a Zen Arcade-esque double LP, veteran producers Crisco Thunder and Jack “Whiz Bang” Shirley joined forces with the surviving MoFo’s to apply the necessary final touches on this future classic. Merging militant elegies ala-Cut the Crap with raging riffs and vitriol, the ‘Motherfuckers drag discontented, abrasively tuneful ‘hardcore punk’ off the bloody butcher’s block of historical curiosity. Scything swathes through uncharted sonic frontiers, Confidential Human Source is a true return to form, where malcontent Mothercountry Motherfuckers of all ages are sure to find lasting resonance and sustenance for the end times ahead. (Press Note)

*This is some really cool 90's Ebullition style hardcore influenced by bands such as Yaphett Kotto, Torches To Rome, and Bread And Circuits.  Not really sure who's in this band, but from the sounds of MCM, I'd guess that the band is comprised of members of Baader Brains and Please Inform The Captain That This Is A Hijack.  Overall, Confidential Human Source makes for a killer listen.  Highly recommended!  Enjoy!

Clean Plate Records on Bandcamp
Listen Here

Chris' Top 25 Albums Of 2016

                                          All right.  Here's another Best of 2016 year end list from another pretentious music blog asshole.  These are my top 25 picks for 2016.  Take from it whatever, you will.  It's probably not worth much anyway.  Anyway, all joking aside, 2016 had some amazing releases. Thanks to all the bands who sent in submissions and of course, you the reader.  Being able to write for DAATP keeps me connected to the underground music scene and shows me that the underground music scene continues to evolve and breathe fresh air into independent music.  There's no rhyme or reason to my year-end list.  These are just my favorites.

                                                         #25: Heiress-Made Wrong LP 
                                                         Listen Here
                                                         #24. Whores-Gold LP
                                                         Listen Here 

        #23. Senior Fellowes-The Christened Remains Of An Evolutionary Catastrophe LP
                                                         Listen Here 

                                                         #22 Beach Slang-A Loud Bash Of Teenage Feelings LP
                                                         Listen Here 


                                                         #21 Rorcal-Creon LP
                                                         Listen Here 

                                                        #20 WMerchandise-A Corpse Wired For Sound LP
                                                        Listen Here

                                                         #19 Tempest-S/T LP
                                                         Listen Here

                                                         #18 Negative Standards-Fetters LP 
                                                         Listen Here 

                                                          # 17 Reproacher-Nature's Bastard
                                                          Listen Here  

                                                         #16 Bardus-Stella Porta LP
                                                         Listen Here

                                                         # 15 Weak Wrists-S/T LP
                                                         Listen Here


                                                        #14 Sect-S/T LP
                                                        Listen Here

                                                         #13 Dangers-The Bend In The Break LP
                                                         Listen Here

                                                         #12 Creative Adult-Fear Of Life LP
                                                         Listen Here

                                                         #11 Totem Skin-Weltschmerz LP
                                                         Listen Here

                                                        #10 Funeral Chic-Hatred Swarm LP 
                                                        Listen Here

                                                         #9 Private Room-Forever And Ever LP
                                                         Listen Here

                                                         #8 Death Index-S/T LP 
                                                         Listen Here
                                                         #7 Minerva Superduty-Gorod Zero LP
                                                         Listen Here
                                                         #6 Planes Mistaken For Stars-Prey LP
                                                         Listen Here


                                                         #5 Vermin Womb-Decline
                                                         Listen Here 

                                                         #4 Cara Neir-Perpetual Despair Is The Human Condition LP
                                                         Listen Here

                                                         #3 True Widow-Avvolgere LP 
                                                         Listen Here 
                                                         #2 Knife Hits-Eris LP
                                                         Listen Here 

                                                         #1 Latisha's Skull Drawing-Romanticized LP
                                                         Listen Here


ridiculously fantastic black/death metal out of Russia. really wish id found this sooner because it would've no doubt cracked the top ten on my year end list. kind of reminds me of a dirtier version of nightbringer but with some seriously sick vocals. played this for a friend and he said it sounded like a grizzly bear was handling the vocals. I can agree with that but id go a few steps further and say it was a grizzly bear eating grizzly bear. with corpse paint. yeah. shit kills. this is a must for fans of the aforementioned nightbringer and maybe leviathan as well. also fans of darker death metal like aevangelist, dragged into sunlight, or even emptiness. this definitely has that atmosphere

Rhn-Passenger LP (2016)

Country: USA
Genre: Punk, Sludge, Noise Rock
Label: Grimoire Records
Tracks: 7
Length: 33.0'

Rhin is a three piece band from Shepherdstown, West Virginia who formed in June of 2013. Rhin play dirty, raw, and completely blown out style of music that incorporates elements of punk, sludge, and noise rock within their sound.  Musically, Rhin can be loosely compared to bands such as Melvins, Torche, Ken Mode, Bardus, and T-Tops.  Since forming in 2013, Rhin have released a self-titled seven song LP in October of 2013, a seven song LP titled Bastard in December of 2014, and a split EP with Cowboys From Heck in March of 2016.  Passenger is the band's latest full-length, which was released via Grimoire records on May 6th, 2016.  On Passenger, Rhin offer up seven tracks of dirty, raw, and completely blown out punk, sludge, and noise rock.  Overall, Passenger is a killer LP and should not be missed.  Highly recommended!  Enjoy!

Rhin on Bandcamp
Rhin on Facebook
Purchase via Grimoire Records
Rhin-Passenger LP (2016)
Rhin-S/T (2013)
Rhin-Bastard LP (2014)

(Re-post Request)

DEEP CREEPS - White Rot (2016)

Fucking weird noisy Hardcore Punk from Boise, Idaho
No, really. There's a Vegan Garlic Roasted Idaho Potato Soup recipe on their Bandcamp

SFC - mal (2016)

Punk / Hardcore / Grind / Doom from Berisso, Argentina

MANIAC - Angel Corpse (2016)

Brand new Devotional Hardcore from Western Massachusetts

MALDECIR - Self Titled (2016)

Punk / Crust / Grindcore / Thrash from Concepción, Chile

LIFE OF SPITE - Demo (2016)

Hardcore / Powerviolence / D-Beat from Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

HEKATA // DAMPNESS - Split 7" (2017)

Check out these 2 badass songs from Russian bands Hekata & Dampness from a 7" that will be coming out in February. Not sure if there will be more songs on the actual release, but these 2 are killer examples of Hardcore, Crust, Powerviolence & Metal.

Hekata on Bandcamp
Dampness on Bandcamp
Listen Here


OK, looks like it's that time of year again. Before I continue, just want to say thanks to Chris, Jerm & Bacteria along with everyone that stops by here or comments in the chat. This blog would literally not exist without everyone's help. It's been a busy year for this site, we've basically doubled our post count, closing in on 1,000 posts. Crazy shit.  It's also been a hell of a year for hardcore, so without further ado, here are the releases I enjoyed most myself, starting with my top 3, and then the rest, ordered by date of release. If you like what you hear, look for the 's. Enjoy!   ~ADAM

TOP 3 OF 2016
August 5th - SECT - S/T - Probably my most anticipated release of the year, for obvious reasons. Blistering, all-too-short yet super important stuff from an all-star, cross-continent cast. I end up liking this more every time I play it and it's the rare record that gets heavier with every listen 

September 9th - FUNERAL CHIC - Hatred Swarm - This record makes me smile with anger every time I put it on. This is the kind of shit that I was hoping to find when I started this blog

November 17th - LET IT DIE - The Liar & The Saint -  Been playing this nonstop. You won't find a more perfectly Grindy Metallic Hardcore release this year if you tried

20 BEST OF 2016
March 7th - CRUX OF AUX - Mona - I've known about this band forever as one of the members was in Cursed, but this is the first time I'd actually heard them. Sludge Thrash at it's finest

April 27th - GEIST - Son Of Sun Live Session - I love everything these guys do, but I have a soft spot for live studio recordings that are done right. This happens to be one of them

June 16th - PARIS IN THE MAKING - Solve et Coagula - This one was a little more Screamo/Post Rock than I normally like, but I loved every second of it

July 1st - ART OF BURNING WATER - Between Life And Nowhere - Everything this band puts out is killer. This LP came out with little fanfare, but I can tell you, It is killer as well

June 17th - JOY - Of Nothing - I had never heard of this band before this summer but I'm glad I found them because this is some of the best Blackened Hardcore I've heard all year

June 17th - NEGATIVE STANDARDS - Fetters - Hadn't heard from these dude since 2013 but they came back in a big way with this record, picking up from right where they left off

June 17th - NAILS - You Will Never Be One Of Us - This is the modern day Slayer

August 25th - DEPRAVATION - Feast With The Rats - This was one of the first bands I ever reviewed here, and they are still just as good as I remember

September 9th - NORMA JEAN - Polar Similar - Definitely the most "Major Label" band on this list, but I don't care, I've always loved this band and this new record is great

September 14th - LOG DRIVER - S/T - Amazing crust/grindcore made by two brothers who usually dabble in the Black Metal arts. I desperately want to hear more from them

September 23rd - TRAP THEM - Crown Feral - You should know what to expect here. This LP is sadly still a step down from Darker Handcraft, but thankfully it's a big step up from Blissfucker

September 30th - NINE ELEVEN - Sentinels - Political Hardcore & Emoviolence are usually things that would annoy me, but this band always impresses me

October 14th - WEAK WRISTS - S/T - I used to think they put something in the water in Germany because of how bands from there sounded. These days I think the same of North Carolina

October 14th - SUPER UNISON - Auto - This is a VERY unique sounding album in 2016 full of wonderful Alternative/Post Hardcore vibes. I surprisingly loved it

October 17th - MINERVA SUPERDUTY - Gorod Zero - This is another one that is usually not up my alley due to it's Experimental/Chaotic tendencies, but it RULES

October 21st - RAVAGE RITUAL - Higher Power - Everything this band puts out is excellent. I was happy to see this since they had been inactive for a few years

November 8th - SIBERIAN HELL SOUNDS - Svengali - Another one of the first bands I posted about. They seem to put out some really cool shit about once a year

November 14th - HAILNOTHING - Ancient Tombs - Yet another Grindcore/Powerviolence band that seems to put out a good/catchy EP every year

November 20th - MERCY TIES - Proper Corruption - Punk, Math Rock & Grind mixed together probably better than I have heard in a long time

Right Fucking Now - WVRM - Heartache - I literally just got this record in the mail today but it's going on this list, I don't care what you say. Fantastic Crust/Grindcore that will bury you. Pre-Order this now.


Yet another killer release from the chatbox, this time from PXLX. AYFKM (Are You Fucking Kidding Me) is a new five song EP from Denver, Colorado’s grinding hardcore band Call Of The Void. They are self-described as one part Pig Destroyer, one part Converge, all parts stunning. That pretty much sums it up, this band always puts out great stuff, and this is no exception.

RASH - Skinner Box (2016)

Another link from the chatbox courtesy of todd, Rash is a noisy Hardcore/Punk band from Chicago, IL

CONVULSIONS - Self Titled EP (2016)

Thanks for the heads up on this band from Fleibor Flei in the chat!
Brutal as fuck, blast beat-filled grindcore from El Ejido, Spain

JERMS TOP 20 OF 2016

Alright so its everyones favorite time of year. all the best of lists are coming out. unlike everything else that took place on this god forsaken rock this year, the music world had an exceptionally fantastic 2016. heres my top 20. let the arguing over omissions and inclusions and placement commence.

#20- Howls of Ebb
Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows
a nightmare inducing slab of black/death metal insanity. not recommended for children or those with weak stomachs

#19- Funeral Chic
Hatred Swarm
the debut ep was full on blackened rage. everythings on "hatred swarm" is stepped up to the nth degree from that debut

#18- LVTHN
Eradication of Nescience
scathing black metal. definitely one of the albums that pushed me further into that realm

#17- Cara Neir
Perpetual Despair is the Human Condition
black metal/crust/grindcore duo focus on black metal this time around and the results are as expected, fantastic

#16- Gatecreeper
Sonoran Depravation
this was a surprise for me. and really its the best bolt thrower style death metal album by anyone not named bolt thrower

#15- Okkultokrati
Raspberry Dawn
equal parts black metal, industrial, and post punk. and all parts great

#14- Zhrine
Icelandic black metal at its finest. just as ugly as it is beautiful

#13- Sect
my 2nd favorite colohan project. and the closest we will probably ever get to cursed again

#12- Ringworm
Snake Church
amazing how after over 25 years into their career they just keep getting better

#11- Atrament
Eternal Downfall
blackened d-beat perfection. and I do mean perfection.

#10- Palace of Worms
The Ladder
melodic twists and turns from crusty black metal to post metal and all roads lead back to palace of worms finest hour

#9- Grieved
these guys were my first post on here and for good reason. angry and passionate and fantastic

#8- El-Ahrairah
posted this a couple weeks ago. similar to okkultokrati but more melodic and less mechanical. I love this album more every time I listen to it

#7- Hierophant
Mass Grave
all those reviews you've ever read that included the word "brutal", yeah they were wrong. this my friends, this is brutal.

#6- Schammasch
3 discs worth of the most ambitious black metal ever made by humans. at least I assume schammasch are human...

#5- Converge
You Fail Me Redux
ok so technically not a new album but fuck you its my list. with the vast improvement in sound, it might as well be a new album so I'm counting it

#4- Zeal and Ardor
Devil Is Fine
Image result for zeal and ardor devil is fine
without a doubt the biggest surprise of the year. really can you think of a more eclectic mashup of genres that works this well? no? I didn't think so

#3- Nails
You Will Never Be One of Us
Image result for nails you will never be one of us
nails is a bulldozer of violence. no one else, and I mean no one, can cram as much rage into 40 seconds they way nails can.

#2- Zao
The Well-Intentioned Virus
damn...I hated the last zao-less 7 years. the world is whole again. they executed to perfection every aspect of why I love this band.

#1- Trap Them
Crown Feral
if you saw my post on ryan mckenney from a few weeks ago then this should be no surprise. but all those reasons aside, this album is great. its a more streamlined trap them and stands up next to darker handcraft as a worthy 2nd place on the list of trap thems greatest output

so that's my list. I can only hope that 2017 is as good or better than this year. and with black anvil, emptiness, and unearthly trance albums on the horizon it looks like it will be starting out great. I just hope that the secret, early graves, moral void, yaitw, and torch runner either end their silence or at least make more of an impact than just a split or an ep. and once again id like to thank adam for the chance to be a part of this and all the readers out there that keep coming back, thank you as well.
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