MOLD - Self Titled


As a follow up to their demo from earlier this year, Atlanta's 3-piece Mold has released a blistering 10-song, 5-minute EP full of grind and powerviolence. For fans of bashing your face into a wall.

- download (ZS) -
1. Wide Tooth Grin
2. Useless Body
3. Blank
4. Forced Expression
5. Flex of Power
6. Pain Transfer
7. Spasm
8. Feed
9. Lord
10. Supremacy



Endocrine Wolf is an ambient/crust/hardcore project from Vetala Productions that has slowly come about over the last year. According to their Facebook page, the label will be putting together a tape release, all proceeds of which will be going towards a charity to help preserve and spread awareness of the importance of Apex Predators, such as wolves and Bears. For fans of Isolation Tank, Exhaustion and Deathseekers.

- download (ZS) -
1. Lifesblood
2. Hunter
3. Suffering
4. Metamorphosis
5. Hate
6. Realisation



Brutal hardcore from El Paso, TX. For fans of The Swarm and Ravage Ritual.

- download (ZS) -
1. Caw Of A Thousand Crows
2. Daddy Never Hugged Me
3. Convenience Dependent
4. Speedy's
5. The Fuckening
6. Bald Eagle Cockfights
7. Torture


Here are some free downloads of the split cassette from Eyes For Hands and Faceplant. Eyes For hands is from Massachusetts and features members of IRA Graves and Rat Trap. Faceplant is from Illinois but I don't know much else about them. Either way this is a killer split.

CATHEDRAL FEVER - All Pit, No Pendulum


Check out this pummeling new EP by Cathedral Fever, a 4-piece from St. Louis, MO. This isn't your standard 4-minute, blast beat-laden, hardcore EP. Nope, these are 7 huge, unpredictable, dark songs clocking in at over 21 minutes. The two biggest compliments I can give this band is that; 1. They'll give you an impending feeling of doom without sounding like a doom band; and 2. Their songs are complex but don't end up sounding like Converge. The band often gets compared to Cursed and Black Breath, but the bands that came to my mind as I listened were Ancient Shores, Maranatha, Hollow Tongue and Nesseria. So, if you are a fan of anything listed above, do yourself a favor and grab this now.

- download (ZS) -
1. Spiders Encircle
2. Monolithic Rapture
3. Black Ark Cometh
4. Synthetic Echo
5. Oblivion Bed
6. Cavern Of The Rapid Eye
7. Reprisal At The Dawn Of Genesis


Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I've been slacking, but I have a lot lined up so stay tuned Also, I'm about a week late with this one, but check out this insane 54-song compilation from A389 Recordings, featuring music by Integrity, Noisem, Haymaker, Full Of Hell, Sick/Tired, Deathrite, Left For Dead, Unholy Majesty & more. I'm pretty sure this thing is intended to be free, but it's showing $1 on Bandcamp right now, which means people have probably been hammering it and all the free downloads are gone. So, pay $1 there or get it free HERE.


This is the second release of 'The Death Of A Modernist - Violence' mix tape volumes which is dedicated to showcasing 'aggressive hardcore punk' driven artists. Alternate free download HERE.


Here's a free, 20-band compilation from No Clean Singing & Kydoimos Records. A special 27-page zine that includes band interviews accompanies this release and is included with the download as a bonus item. A tape release is also imminent...

OFFENSE - Self Titled


Here comes the soundtrack to your epileptic attack! Offense, a 4-piece powerviolence band from France released a Demo last year with 4 songs. What you'll find in this demo is about 5 minutes of raging powerviolence for fans of IRON LUNG, WEEKEND NACHOS or DESPISE YOU.

Their songs are a mixture of slow sludgy stuff, exploding HC and grinding punk... and before you even noticed that the song started, the demo is already over. Get a free download and hear yourself!

These songs made their way to a 10" picture disc release limited to 300 copies on Knives Out Records. Looks like it was supposed to be released in June 2014, but either it's already sold out or there was a delay, because I don't see the record for sale anywhere. If you really want to find out, get in touch with the record label.

- download (ZS) -
1. Disillusionment
2. Hopeless
3. Vexed
4. To Wind Up Young

GIDIM - Self Titled


Cassettes... Raw production... Minimalistic layout... Lets get deeeep underground with GIDIM from Chicago, IL who released their S/T cassette in May of this year!

This one-man project shifts between old school black metal in the style of earlier Dark Throne to depressive black metal and atmospheric slow parts... covered in (still bearable) necro sound. Choking vocals, crushing riffs, raging blast beats... nice stuff.

GIDIM manages to reanimate an old sound with some musical variation towards punk and sludge. Worth a listen if youre into black metal of then and now. Downloadable for free.. the first run of cassettes (50 copies) are already sold out, so stay tuned for more as a split tape with Leather Chalice is on the horizon.

- download (ZS) - band submission -
1. I
2. II
3. III

SOSIEGO - Ascensión


More nihilistic crust from Chile! Antofagasta to be specific. They released their EP, Ascensión, earlier this year after a demo last November. It's 5 songs of chaotic, atmospheric, lo-fi, hardcore/crust. The translated lyrics that I read for these songs are very, very cool. They'rs super dark and haunting, but maybe that was just Google fucking with me. Either way, check it out, download below or "name your price" on Bandcamp. They also have a song on a noise/punk comp called Todas Las Fronteras Son Imaginarias.

- download -
1. Agitación
2. Epifanía
3. La Contraescuela
4. Frustraciones
5. Antonio Ramón Ramón



Is it too early to call "release of the year"? Holy smokes this split cassette between Depravation & Slowly We Rot is fucking blistering. I've mentioned Depravation before, they are one of my faves, blacker than black dark metallic hardcore at it's best. And newcomers Slowly We Rot are definitely deserving of being on the B-side of this tape. The band features the former guitarist from one my absolute favorites, Worms Feed, and their 2 songs will crush you, if the A-side didn't manage to do that already. The cassette comes out on August 1st and is a co-release between Skin And Bones Records and Dark Omen Records.

CVLT Nation is hosting the exclusive stream of this split, so you need to go there now:

BODDICKER - Crime Upheaval


Boddicker, from Indianapolis, IN, formed in 2012 and named themselves after Clarence Boddicker, the arch villain from Robocop. They felt this a fitting monicker because the character Boddicker is an uncompromising, cold-blooded criminal and killer, and they wanted their music to represent the same characteristics. Their influences range the gamut of 80's UK grind and crust, old school death metal, New York, Scandinavian, and Japanese hardcore, powerviolence, Eyehategod, and everything Glenn Danzig did in between 1976 and 1994. As well as crime, anarchy, and disruption of the status quo.

They have two cassette "demos" out entitled "Mitch Is The Bastard" and "False Flag", as well as a split with Indianapolis blackened thrashers Kata Sarka that was released on cassette in 2012 and re-released on vinyl 7" via Reality Is A Cult and later Profane Existence in 2013. Recently, they also released a split 7" with Indianapolis sludge grinders Late August, and a split tape with Ft. Wayne punk band Parasitic Twins. A four way split tape and LP with Nuclear Hellfrost, Paucities, and Misanthropic Noise will be released imminently. They have members that have and currently spend time in cult Fog, The Electric Hellfire Club, Ptahil, and Black Goat of the Woods, as well as filling in for the Lurking Corpses and San Francisco's Acephalix.

You've got to check out their latest, "Crime Upheaval". It was available via cassette, but it sold out during their most recent tour. It is available for a "name your price" option on bandcamp digitally:



My pal Krustie from The Elementary Revolt turned me on to this killer band, Septimo Inferno, from Santiago, Chile. Their band name translates to "Seventh Hell" in English, and it's definitely fitting. This 5-song EP will take you down a terrifying path that any fan of sludge, hardcore or metal would enjoy. These song are HUGE and very heavy, I especially enjoy the distorted bass turned way up in the mix. Rarely do you see a hardcore EP break the 10-minute mark, and this monster clocks in just over 17, and it flies by. Definitely check this out if you are a fan of Coliseum, Deathrite, Depravation, The Swarm or Throats.

- download -
1. Intro...
2. Xaphan
3. Martirio
4. Krieg
5. Condenados

AFÄSIA - Self Titled


Here's another cool band from Chile courtesy of the awesome Krustie. Afasia is definitely on the more punk side of the hardcore world, but the production is nice and dirty, just how you like it. Reminds me of a rougher version of Alpinist or maybe Sick/Tired. So if you like that kind of stuff, you'll probably dig this. Plus, it's a free download so you have no excuses.

- download -

1. Cenizas de un Arbol Muerto
2. Exógeno
3. Mononoke
4. Décadas
5. Puñal
6. Amok



Paramnesia from France play atmospheric black metal as it was meant to be. This band has been active since 2005 and have produced 4 releases since then. Their music contains variations of slow and heavy parts, sometimes some shoegaze and than again a storm of blast-beats and ecstatic black metal riffs. The songs on all 4 releases are only entitled wirth Roman numbers (I, II, III, IV etc..) and also the whole optic concept of the band is kept in an medieval style. This concept is supported by the stunning artwork of band member Pierre Perichaud (Facebook / Tumblr).

In medicine, "paramnesia" is an inability to distinguish between real memories and dreams or fantasies... and that is just the effect this band has on those who open their minds to their sinister music...(which is all available for free downloading)


When the lights went out you were shoved to the ground







The Black Metal Alliance is a collection of metal artists promoting equal rights for all life. Downloads are pay what you want but all donations will go to charity. This particular compilation is jam packed with underground black metal bands and all proceeds will go to Woman On Waves, an organization which provides abortion services and information about contraception to women who would otherwise not have legal access to it.



If you want a trip through the dark corners of your psyche, try and have a listen to UNRU from Bielefeld, Germany!  The words with which they describe themselves are saying a lot about the bands philosophy already I suppose... : "ecstasy, dissociation, escape, repression". Their music is an obscure mixture of Crust, Black Metal, Grind Core, Dark Hardcore and Sludge, all soaked with Noise and Drone! Their ecstatic music is supportet by the volaists depressive Shouts witch reflect both agression and melancholy ...Sometimes even dwelming into some "spoken word" style.

Also the lyrics and song titles open another interesting facette of the band... (..well maybe only for German-speaking listeners...). With titles like "Von der flüchtigkeit des seins" ("about the volatility of being") they create an atmosphere of Melancholy, depression and Nihilism. All their music is downloadable for free on bandcamp, so dont miss to expose yourself to this blackened grindcore Horror-trip!

NEWLY ORDAINED - Welcome A New Priest To The Pulpit

Effective immediately, be on the look out for new reviews by Fabian VB. Hailing from near or around Berlin, Germany, he is at the epicenter of today's prototypical "hardcore crust" sound. I expect him to bring us many great bands as he himself has been in a doom/sludge band and is currently the vo-kill-ist in powerviolence band JHK. Welcome, Fabian!

And of course, if you would like to contribute to this blog, feel free to get in touch.

HUSK - Hymns


Have a listen to HUSK’s debut EP ‘Hymns’ - an ugly slab of blackened Northern European hardcore that brings to mind a blend of Converge, Rotten Sound, Black Breath, Cursed and Skitsystem. With production handled by KVELERTAK guitarist Bjarte Lund Rolland at Caliban Studios in Oslo, ‘Hymns’ seethes ugliness and nihilism, drawing on elements of grindcore, hardcore, d-beat, crust and metal to create HUSK’s unique, negative sound. Free download or donate at their Bandcamp page to make 10" vinyl a possibility.

- download -
1. Howl
2. Ruins
3. Prey
4. Keelhaul
5. Harvest
6. Sedlec
7. Babel



I'm a sucker for female-fronted hardcore, so right now, BURN/WARD is blaring from my speakers loud as fuck. They are a brutal punk/grind band from Richmond, VA whose influences include INFEST, Insect Warfare, In Disgust, Wormrot, Integrity, Ringworm, Pig Destroyer, Magrudergrind, Bad Brains, Cro-Mags, Hatred Surge, Coke Bust and PUNCH, These 7 songs are free and are guaranteed to give you whiplash in less than 5 minutes. DESTROY/SLOW/MUSIC!!!!!

- download -
1. Troubled Hand
2. Wild Malevolece
3. Wicked, Deceiver
4. Vicious To Bear Witness
5. Blind Moon
6. Victim And Instrument
7. Human Dignity

DISTORTION & DISSONANCE: Australian Hardcore Sampler

 Free digital sampler of Australia's best hardcore bands from Art As Catharsis Records.



I always get excited when I hear about a good band that's actually within driving distance from me. So you can imagine my excitement when I saw that Northern Widows are from Columbus, OH. They play a desperate, guttural brand of hardcore that I would most compare to Host, Narratives, Funeral Chic or Young And In The Way. And, they've already played shows with Full Of Hell, Enabler, Black Mask, Iron Reagan & Occultist. Their 7-song EP is thankfully not just a straight-ahead blast of power chords and screaming, it slows down and speeds up and never gets boring. Some of it is haunting, some is menacing, but most importantly it stays heavy and interesting. Grab it below or stream it on Bandcamp, and if you like it, buy a digital copy there for $5. If you need more of a tactile release, you can pre-order a cassette version from Head2Wall Records.

- download -
1. Boundaries & Vices
2. The Blessing Way
3. Standing On The Shoulders Of Omega
4. The Ghosts Of My Sins Are Consuming Me
5. Three Storms
6. A Clock Without A Craftsman
7. Big Death

DEADWEIGHT - Self Titled


A few months ago, Melbourne, Australia's Deadweight released their 4-song demo. I use the term "demo" lightly as this little EP sounds huge and is recorded flawlessly. If you are a fan of Converge, Neurosis, All Pigs Must Die, Oathbreaker, Enabler or Russian Circles... then this is for you. Download below or name your price at their Bandcamp page. 

- download -
1. Since Birth
2. Hellbent
3. The Bitter Shunned
4. Fortitude


The download links on the following pages have been fixed. If the Zippyshare links in my posts aren't clicked after a certain amount of time, they die. If someone out there has a better hosting option, feel free to leave it in a comment. And of course, anytime you find a dead link, please email us at and it will be fixed. Thanks



You guys must be fed up with bands abusing that Entombed- Boss HM2, aren’t you? You thought that it was ok that Rotten Sound has been basing its guitar tone for so many albums in this piece of gear, but after Trap Them it only got trendier and trendier. But you know what? who fucking cares. Don’t make me quote that Nails dude again. Me personally? I am more concerned about snare drum clones, shit sickens me. Anyway… 

So, going back to pedals and other stuff. HM2, d-beat “beats” and pace, growls ov death, gory/ugly/negative lyrics, old school death metal worshiping sound, hardcore punk dontgiveafuckness, among other shite, are musical ingredients you can find in a ton of bands I won’t list list. That's what has been tagged as “Entombedcore”. Horses, lonesome men being men, american west (sometimes) via Almeria, gunslingers, stagecoach robbery, whiskey abuse, whores, saloons, crime, railroads, trains, few black men per film, etc. are elements of some kind of films called Western. So you wouldn’t get excited if you get offered the same menu always. But how do they cook it? that’s what makes it worth to check, taste, get drunk or high on them. 

These 5 cooks hailing from Arizona serve it deliciously. Apparently they formed in 2013 and are influenced by bands like Dismember, Carnage, Entombed, Grave, Unleashed, Bolt Thrower and Obituary. And that is what you get from them, a headrippin’ death metal pastiche with some hardcore punk huffed glue, what already was addressed. This is waaaaay more interesting and catchy than bands like Entrails or Miasmal (sorry :(). This guys would even get an applause from Nicke Andersson. 

To the date they have released a 4 song self titled EP, which you can grab from their webshop for a few bucks, and a tshirt if you fancy. The release is also available for paywhatthefuckyou want on their bandcamp. I really recommend this record. Do as I did: spin some Left hand path to Crawl Entombed, get nostalgic about why they don’t release stuff THAT sweet anymore, not that their new stuff is shit or anything, and then hit this release. It will be relieving… very relieving.

- download -
1. Void Below
2. Force Fed
3. Overdose
4. Slave

BOAK - Self Titled

"Boak" is Scottish slang meaning vomit or feelings of excessive nausea. This makes sense as this band is from Aberdeen, Scotland and the cover art they used is some asshole getting gored in the neck, which could make some people queasy. Boak consists of former/current members of Prelude To The Hunt, Filthpact, Dirtdrinker & Cleavers. They have played with bands including Iron Lung, Full of Hell, Disciples of Christ, Coke Bust. Download their demo now, and be on the lookout for a possible vinyl release in the future.

- download -
1. Just A Game
2. E.S.F.C.B.
3. Who Is The Animal Here
4. Slaves
5. The Yeild
6. Protein

KING DIRT - Hail Yeah (R.I.P.)


King Dirt was a short-lived, female-fronted 5-piece from Asheville, NC. They were only around for about a year but still managed to posthumously release this killer 5-song EP. It's very punk, very metal, very hardcore and, most importantly, very North Carolina. 

- download -
1. Lab Rat
2. Holy Fuck
3. Dirt Farmer
4. Swine
5. Slut



Trespasser, from Hobart, Australia, formed in late 2013 and even though this demo has been out for a while, I don't think it's gotten nearly the coverage it deserves. So here it is, 4 songs of pummeling, sinister, crust-laden hardcore that could be compared to Deathrite, Ravage Ritual and fellow newcomer Aussie's, Siberian Hell Sounds. Do not hesitate to get this.

- download -
1. Avarice
2. No Light
3. Void
4. Hollow Eyes

WORSHIP - Book Of Beasts


Worship, from Salinas, CA, is recording their first full-length album this month so I decided to post their demo just because it's fucking great and you need to hear it. At first glance, their band logo font might make you worry they are a Black Sabbath cover band, but don't worry, even though some of their riffs could be compared to Baroness, in reality they are more along the lines of Cursed, Converge & Rise And Fall. So get high and headbang to this while you wait for their LP. Also, their Bandcamp downloads are running low so feel free to use mine below before using theirs.

- download -
1. Of Saviors
2. Year 1348
3. Olaus Magnus



New band from Victoria, BC that just finished their demo. According to the band, they sing about eating nazis and old-school wrestling. Fun fact: crepehanger is a noun meaning a gloomy person or a pessimist. Enjoy.

- download -
1. Knocking Out National Front Teeth
2. Narcissuss
3. Castophrenia
4. Bring Back The Piledriver
5. Zero Hour
6. Operation Zeus
7. 147

PUSHED AWAY - Teething


Check out this one-man, straight edge/powerviolence project from North Wales, UK. This is his 3rd release, after a demo & a self-titled EP. Really impressive stuff, especially considering it's just 1 dude doing all of this. I am genuinely jealous. His influences are listed as Infest, ACxDC, Magrudergrind & Weekend Nachos... So you should know what to expect here. 

- download -
1. Solar Powered Violence
2. Grimm
3. Palm Reader
4. Slam This
5. No Standards

THE DRAG HOOK - Lethal Dose


The Drag Hook is a vegan, straight edge hardcore band from Cleveland, OH. Some members of this band used to be in Trespasser, and even though I LOVED the demo from Trespasser, this band doesn't really share that same dark, metallic sound. This band has a rawer sound and is definitely more punk than metal, not to mention that they also have that "Cleveland" sound. If you are into lyrics, the main message you will get from these songs is the urgency of ethical veganism to make the U-turn against global destruction. 

- download -
1. Excuses, Excuses
2. Lethal Dose
3. Ignorance Is Complicity
4. Not In My Name
5. Unknown Slave
6. Unmarked Grave
7. Out Of Reach



Bad news, it looks like Esoteric Youth is playing what might be their last show tonight in Camden, UK. By the time this goes up, the show may have already happened because I'm an American and here in the States, we have no clue what time it is anywhere else on the planet. Esoteric Youth has been around since 2012 and have released 3 cassettes and a 7". They are all fantastic and represent pretty much what this blog is all about - dark & blackened hardcore. Downloading their catalog is a no-brainer, and don't feel guilty, all of this is sold-out anyway. Enjoy, and here's to hoping that new bands are formed out of their demise.

- download -
1. Kvarblivelse
2. Förlåt

You can purchase Esoteric Youth/Caina split cassette from SWARM OF NAILS

1. Disease
2. Senicide
3. The Burden Of Living
4. Weltschmerz

1. Instinct
2. Minerva

1. Waldensamkeit
2. Canis Pullus
3. Illunga
4. Litost
5. Hive Collapse

TENSION - Westside Grindviolence Forever


Formed in 2011, TENSION is a grindviolence band from Huntington Beach, CA. They are anti-fascist, anti-nazi, anti-vivisection and animal testing, anti-corporate terrorism, anti-religion, anti-homophobia, anti-sexist, anti-racist and pro choice. I bet they are really fun at parties. 

They are offering up their latest record for free, which is very cool. They also have a ton of other releases on Bandcamp, and even more planned. So if you like this, go buy some more. This thing has 21 songs on it and I'm too lazy right now to list them so just use the links below. 

- download -

DEADBEAT (L.A.) - Demo


Rising from the ashes of Barking Backwards, is Deadbeat from Los Angeles, CA. This 8-song demo is a great example of tight, well done, old school hardcore. Kinda reminds me of a really cleaned up version of Nails.

- download -
1. It's Personal
2. Nuke Fear
3. Bastard
4. Bad Blood
5. Punish You
6. Manslaughter
7. You're Mistaken
8. Downward Spiral

FEIGN LIFE - Collapse


Don't know anything about this band except that they are from Worcester, MA. But these 3 songs are worth a listen if you like your powerviolence to have touches of black metal and sludge.

- download -
1. Sacrifice The Savior
2. Serpent
3. Asphyx

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