So I'm still completely and utterly failing at updating this blog, and again I apologize profusely. I've been in a horrible mood for what seems like forever and until just recently, I haven't even been listening to hardly any fucking music at all. But, I have heard some real killer shit lately, so, I thought I'd share it with you. Enjoy.


CHEST PAIN - Weltschmerz


"Weltschmerz" is the new record from Austin, Tx band Chest Pain. After forming in 2008, the band has had a few different releases, with their last being a self titled 7" in 2010. This summer, To Live A Lie records will be releasing the band's first LP, Weltschmerz. With a crushing 16 tracks in 19 minutes, this PV powerhouse brings to mind bands like Infest, Iron Lung, Capitalist Casualties and Eddie Brock. Its enough to make your head explode in the best way.

With songs about being fed up with trend hoppers, calling out homophoic assholes, the lack of all ages shows with decent bands being set up by promoters, and even one about skateboarding, this is the kind of record that is a prime example of powerviolence/grind-y/hardcore executed right. My personal favorite songs on the record are "Carbon Copied" and "Shut In."

FFO: Infest, Iron Lung, Capitalist Casualties, Hatred Surge. Currently only 2 songs are up on their bandcamp page, but they will put up more later...

If this band doesn't catch your attention right away, thats ok, because they are going to be on tour from the end of May until the end of June. So if they are in your area, go out and catch them and decide for yourself in person, because obviously bands are able to tour because people like you go out to shows, watch them play, and maybe buy a record or a shirt.

May 28 - San Antonio w/ Capitalist Casualties 
May 29 - El Paso w/ Capitalist Casualties
May 30 - Los Angeles w/ Final Draft
May 31 - Las Vegas w/ Capitalist Casualties, Endless Demise
June 1 - Oakland 
June 2 - Eugene 
June 3 - Seattle Black Lodge w/ Warthog, Gag
June 4 - Portland w/ Night nurse
June 5 - San Jose w/ Venkman 
June 6 - Los Angeles w/ Suffering Luna
June 7 - Phoenix 
June 8 - Austin
June 9 - Houston w/ Turbokrieg
June 10 - New Orleans 
June 11 - Atlanta 
June 12 - Raleigh w/ Suppression
June 13 - Baltimore 
June 14 - New Jersey 
June 15 - Philadelphia Matinee w/ Chainsaw to the Face
June 16 - Long Island NY 
June 17 - Boston 
June 18 - Providence
June 19 - Amherst
June 20 - NYC 
June 21 - Pittsburgh w/ Rabid Pigs
June 22 - Cleveland w/ Rabid Pigs
June 23 - Chicago 
June 24 - Kansas City 
June 25 - Denton

Or If they aren't coming around you, feel free to pick up a copy of their new LP, or any of the other awesome releases that TLAL has put out from their webstore!

- Jared
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