HOLY WAR as The Misfits


Happy Fucking Halloween. To get you in the mood, check out some quality Misfits covers by Holy War. They are a band from Rochester, NY that I have mentioned before, this looks to be their 2nd recording. It's always scary when a band tries to cover The Misfits, but they pull it off well, not to mention the amazing cover photo.

- download -
1. Halloween
2. Hellhound
3. Demonomania
4. Braineaters

AVHATH - Catch 22! [Single]


Here's a free download/stream of a new track from Avhath, a great blackened crust band from Indonesia. This song will appear on their upcoming 7" release with Sonic Funeral Records (2014) as a complementary bonus track. If you like what you hear, check out my previous post about them to get more from them.

WITCH HUNTER RECORDS - The Coven & Neophytes V3 [VA]

Witch Hunter Records is a Sludge / Doom / Hardcore label dedicated to pay what you want digital downloads, and limited edition CDs with an emphasis on DIY values, for those who favour something nice and arty. For fans of all things loud. Just released is The Coven & Neophytes Vol 3, a compilation of 23, you guessed it, sludge, doom & hardcore bands. Standouts include tracks by End Reign, The Atrocity Exhibit, Black Veins, Heksed & Crossburner. But really, there isn't a bad track on here. Stream and download for free below. Chances are, you'll find something new that you dig.

SKRIK - Volume One [VA]

"Skrik Volume One" is the very first compilation album from the Norwegian music magazine SKRIK. The album marks their first year anniversary and showcases some of their favourite underground bands this year. Featering nineteen horrific and insanely badass tracks, they will guarantee you a perfect soundtrack for this year´s Halloween. The album is totally free, however donations are much appreciated as both the artists and their website could benefit enormous, even from the scarce amount you are able to provide. (They are after all just as broke as you...) - Download and stream below...



Narcoleptics are a 3-piece out of Chicago that includes members of Rotozaza, TMNE, Slag & Hawaiian Punch. Don't know anything else about this band, but the 6-song demo they just released is an unholy barrage of noisy d-beat hardcore. Raw as hell recording and million mile-per-hour drums are what you will find here. What else could you possibly want? If you have any more info on the band, please leave it in the comments.

- download -
1. Intro
2. Programed
3. Bombs Away
4. Headache
5. L.I.H.B.
6. Paroxysm



Over the weekend I was feeling a little nostalgic so I busted out my copy of "Taste The Blade" from 2008 by Blade Of The Ripper, who hail from my home state of Kentucky. Shit is so good. So, I decided to put it up here and hopefully it's new to someone out there. Blade Of The Ripper started as another band called Brothers Of Conquest. The band contains members of legendary bands like The Hookers, Nine Pound Hammer & Nashville Pussy. So, if you're up to hearing some evil-as-fuck punk rock from the heart of KY, dig in. 

- download -
1. Submit To Satan
2. Black Wizard Spell
3. Blade = Death
4. Revenge
5. Here Comes The Knife
6. Cold Flesh
7. Blade On A Cold Dark Street
8. Nightmare In A Damaged Brain
9. Turn The Cross
10. Blade Of The Ripper/Baphomets Call

ELIZABETH - New 7" & New-ish LP


Elizabeth is an incredible band from Geneva, Switzerland that has been around since 2009. Mixing hardcore & punk in an interesting way, there truly isn't another band out there that I can compare them too. It goes without saying they are one of my favorites. A couple months ago, they put out an LP that combined their previous demo & EP. I've been waiting for something new from them and now I have it. Their new 7" is now available and it does not disappoint. Both the new 7" and the LP are available for free download on Bandcamp and I highly encourage you to buy copies of both as well. See below...

OPEN GRAVES - All I've Learned is Death and Anxiety


Open Graves is a 5-piece from Fairmont, WV that's been around for a few years. They just released an excellent 7-song EP and they are cool enough dudes to let you grab it for free. It was recorded by a guy in Ancient Shores, another fine WV band. This is an interesting EP. It starts off with "Discomfort", which contains about 10 different riffs and off-kilter string bends that would make Chris Colohan and the boys from Burning Love proud. I thought this was how the rest of it was going to go, and I was definitely OK with that thought, but then things got weird, in a good way. The rest of the EP devolves & evolves into all sorts of excellently executed hardcore spanning various genres. Some of it slows down and you get the kind of mystery you find in the new Centuries LP. Some of it is sludgey, some of it borders on (dare I say) math core, or whatever kids call it these days. And a lot of it is just good, healthy, kick you in the gut, hardcore that kind of reminds me of Globe And Beast or the new Withers. Either way, it's full of minor chords, negativity and anger, which is really all you need to know. Also, the title of the EP is great and for a bonus, their amazing logo combines 2 of my favorite things, Evil and the Masons. Get this now.

- download -
1. Discomfort
2. Constant
3. Black Medicine
4. Abuse
5. The Living End
6. Blood Falls
7. Gypsy Eyes



Human Ruins is a badass female-fronted wall of hardcore from Melbourne, Australia featuring ex and current members of Terror Firma, Shit Weather, Encircling Sea & Circuits. They just played their 1st show in mid-August (which you can view below) and their 4-song demo is now available. Amazing band name. You can literally feel the potential energy of this band, and it's just barely under control. Can't wait to hear much more from this band. Definitely for fans of Dead In The Dirt, Punch & Full Of Hell.

- download -
1. Pandemic
2. Human Ruins
3. Hysterical Reinactment
4. In The Deep

CVNNT - Charly Two-Shoes


Brain-hemorrhaging powerviolence & grind from the UK. 10 pummeling songs in just over 6 minutes. This sounds like Nails if they did a bunch of meth & cocaine. Download this, burn it to a CD, get in your car, turn it all the way up and drive straight into every wall you can find. Absolutely devastating.

- download -
1. Fuck Your Dreams
2. Ruin Your Life
3. No One Cares
4. Paedo Scum
5. Carlsberg Gargling Lager Shower
6. S.C.A.B. (M.O.T.A.C.)
7. Piss On Your Boots
8. Unicycle
9. Your Mum
10. The Moment Of Dying

PONOR - Ovo je kraj


Hardcore punk band from Zagreb, Croatia. The band formed in late 2011 and features Lana from another Croation hardcore band, Sentence. For fans of Rise And Fall, Bone Dance, Homewrecker and The Hope Conspiracy.

- download -
1. Koja Je Tvoja Cijena
2. Kao Otrov
3. Sve Sto Znas
4. Zbog Tebe, Za Tebe
5. Tvog Bog
6. Nas Dan
7. Ti Pripadas Njima
8. Ovo Je Kraj


Entombed are the Godfathers of Death N' Roll. There really isn't much more to say. If you don't know who they are or don't really like them, you are probably at the wrong blog. They've been doing this crazy re-issue campaign where you can pledge money upfront to get re-issues of “DCLXVI – To Ride Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth”, “Same Difference” 
and “Uprising” in various formats. Their goal has already been reached but you can still put your order in. Throughout the pledge drive, they've been dishing out cool things like unseen videos & pictures, and today they released some killer demos. Just don't tell them that you got them here, I don't want them to come to my house and beat my ass.

- download -
1. To Ride Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth - 1994
2. Kingdom - 1998
3. Seeing Red - 1999
4. Like This - 1994
5. Returning To Madness - 1998
6. Unknown/Untitled - 1994
7. Just As Sad - 1994
8. Karen Closed Strong - 1998
9. Put Me Out - 1994
10. Leave It Alone - 1998



My buddy Phill from Slovakia told me to check out this band that his friends play in. Unattended Funeral. At first I was like, damn that's a badass name for a band. Then I listened to their 4-song tape. Did you read the words at the top of this page? Those words are "Blackened Hardcore, Crust, D-Beat, Powerviolence, Death & Grind". In 4 songs, Unattended Funeral has managed to encapsulate nearly every one of those descriptors. The band is a 3-piece that has been around for a few years and contains members of Boiling Point & Möbius. With quotes on their Bandcamp page like "Only Death Shall Unite Us All" and "A Desperate Call For An Utter Annihilation Of Mankind", you can feel a dark cloud gather overhead as you listen to this. They sound like a doom band that doesn't play doom. Fucking brilliant. The band self-released 100 copies of this tape, email them to see if they still have any left. Otherwise, turn this shit all the way up.

- download -
1. Poison
2. Premature Burial
3. Equality... Justice...
4. Prepared To Slave



"Blank Language" is the follow-up LP to Ruined Families' fierce debut "Four Wall Freedom". The Greek hardcore punk band, finding itself standing in the midst of an urban wasteland of social unrest, utilizes and reverses the surrounding generalized fear for open approaches, in order to develop a widespread sonic angle on this new record. While their 1st record and 7" were more straight-ahead hardcore, this new LP is WAY MORE atmospheric, with brief flashes of post-rock & screamo, but still hardcore at heart. Think Young And In The Way meets Sonic Youth. The band is getting ready to start a Oct/Nov European tour in a few days, check their Facebook page for dates. In the meantime, grab their releases below and if you like it, give them some $$$ at their Bandcamp page or buy their records.

- download - band submission -
1. Only Need Is Real
2. To New Parents
3. 208
4. Easy Livin'
5. Human Fence
6. Nature's Worst
7. Definition in Paradox
8. Books As Weapons
9. Pedestal

1. Voidealism
2. You Will Become Like Your Father
3. Bedroom Nihilist
4. Quiet

1. Modern Man
2. Sense Pleaser
3. Basement Rats
4. Visual Pain
5. Holy Weight
6. Temporary Companion
7. Seasons
8. Patriarchy



100th POST!
Veterans of the Florida hardcore scene, Miami's Homestretch have been around since 2007 and are still here, waiting for you. Listing their influences as 108, Converge, His Hero is Gone, Integrity, Ink & Dagger, Ringworm, Left for Dead, you should definitely know what to expect from this band. They don't disappoint, putting out consistently brutal releases over the years, and, like I said, they are still going strong. In fact they are playing tonight with Pray For Teeth & Centuries to help end their tour. All of their releases are available for free on their Bandcamp page with a "name your price" option starting at $0. But, if you like what you hear and have some $$$, please throw it their way as it will help pay for future recording/vinyl pressing.

- download -
1. Highly Evolved
2. Messianic Delusion
3. See The Atrophy

1. Chattel
2. Travails Of The Reprobate
3. Pelorus
4. Recruitment Complex
5. Invasive Species
6. Intercession
7. Domestic Disturbance
8. Surviving Heir
9. Canto II: Nightfall

1. Quarry (Hunt)
2. Muzzle (Domesticate)

1. Sleight Of hand
2. Visiting Hours
3. Eye Of The Needle
4. How The Other Half Dies

1. Canto I: Daybreak
2. Home Of The Brave
3. Bhairava
4. Take It With you
5. Separation Anxiety
6. Azazel
7. The Old Man And The Sea
8. Vanitas
9. Bloodlust

WAARFACE - Demo + Tour


Waarface is an Austin based hardcore/d-beat band consolidating members from past and present projects such as Night Siege, Cronis, and Shortround. They have a 4-song demo out that shreds. No, seriously. There are these breakdowns that totally put me back into my high school headbanging days, and then your whipped right back into some blackened crust. You can tell these guys were raised on some old school metal and punk rock. Definitely for fans of Entombed, Slayer or Hessian. I hope they stay together and record some more soon. They kick off an East Coast tour tomorrow, here are the dates. Check them out if you can.

10/16 - Austin @ swan dive
 10/17 - Houston @ white swan
 10/18 - NOLA 
10/19 - Pensacola 
10/21 - Atlanta 
10/22 - Wilmington 
10/23 - Richmond 
10/25 - Baltimore 
10/27 - Boston 
10/29 - NYC 
10/30 - Philly 
10/31 - Pittsburgh
11/1 - Cleveland 
11/2 - Detroit 
11/3 - Chicago 
11/4 - Lexington 
11/5 - Nashville 
11/6 - Dallas

- download -
1. Defeated
2. Life Powder
3. The End
4. Order Of Chaos And Regret

MULCT - 3 Cassettes

                                                                                MULCT    ☼    BANDCAMP    BLOG                                                                       

Jesus Christ, this band just steamrolled my head. Vicious grindviolence out of Minsk, which is either in Belarus, The Ukraine, Poland or Russia. I'm an idiot in America and I can't figure it out, especially after listening to this mayhem. Mulct appears to be a 5-piece that has released 3 tapes so far. Each one is incredibly devastating, and if you are into any kind of grind or powerviolence, then they should be right up your filthy alley. Just check out the promo above to see what you're getting yourself into. Fuck.

- download -
1. Tough Guy Annihilation
2. Radical
3. Ridicule Me
4. Guide Us
5. Best(ard)
6. Overproud Punks
7. Bloodsucker
8. Legacy Of The Dragon's Master

1. Going Berserk
2. Worst Enemy
3. An Omnipresent Dick Sucker
4. Hold Your Tongue
5. Militant Drunkard
6. Homo Erectus
7. El Chulito
8. Relying On Sacred power
9. 0% Straight Edge

1. Penetration
2. Grandma's Pie
3. Ha##core
4. I Choose A USB Dildo
5. Satan Didn't Kill Anyone...
6. Scum
7. ...He Just Jerked His Dick In Hell
8. A Waste Of Skin

BLACK VEINS - 7" & New Demos


Black Veins is a trio out of Birmingham, UK that's been around for a few years. Why is it that 3-piece bands always sound so MASSIVE? And being from Birmingham, crushing eardrums is in their DNA. This band always draws a lot of comparisons to Trap Them, Converge & Nails. I hear that a lot, about a lot of different bands. But I'm here to tell you that Black Veins truly sounds like a fight to the death between these 3 bands. I mean, MY GOD THE VOCALS. They will kill you in your sleep. The overall production is perfect and you'd be hard pressed to find a more complete 7" release this year. And the good news is that they are working on an LP. If you were worried that their follow up might not live up to the intensity of the debut, stop worrying. I've got 3 demos from the upcoming full length for you, and they are every bit as damaging as the 7". Give them a listen and keep an eye out for the new record.

- download - band submission -
1. The Hierarchy Has Failed
2. Left To Rot
3. Modern Ritual

1. To Break Their Control
2. The Cycle Will Cease To End
3. Stone Sun
4. Collapse
5. The Cruel Mind Of Man/Through The Depths Of Reality

CHORYGEN - Self Titled


Chorygen is a new d-beat hardcore band from Poland with a ton of crust & sludge tendencies. The band features members of ALERT! ALERT! & 45 Revolutions Per Minute. Unfortunately that's about all I know about this band, but their 8-song debut is a total assault. It's scary and threatening, and I love it. Think Alpinist, but more desperate sounding.  I only found one description of the band online, it's either a bad translation or the best review ever. You decide!
"New on the Polish scene. As with bands of Lodz - texts as the most depressing and sad . Musically, d-beat time played faster, slower time. Tracks are preparing for, so maybe before Gigi hear any recordings. in the composition of such people from 45 Revolutions Per Minute and Alert! Alert!." - TEKTURA
- download -
1. Zaraza
2. Scierwo
3. Tryby
4. Getto
5. Jak Codzien
6. Litania
7. Szary
8. Dno

CHEAP ART - S/T Tape & Desocialized 7"


Cheap Art is a fastcore powerviolence/grind band from Atlanta, GA. They started out as a 3-piece, releasing an EP, then added a badass mamacita to handle the vocals and put out a 14-song (!!) 7". This band is full throttle raging from beginning to end. Short blast beats right to your fucking head. Think Dead In The Dirt or Full Of Hell, but faster, more spastic, and pissed off. And the new female vocals are devastating! Another bonus is that their guitarist plays a Univox Hi-Flier, the best guitar on Earth.

**EDIT** - The band is back to being a 3-piece as Avra has left on good terms...shit.

- download -
1. Intro/David
2. Grown Apart
3. Burn Your Closets
4. Bled Dry
5. Despondent Pt. II
6. No More Hiding
7. Flood And Drain
8. Severed
9. Despondent
10. Hate City Machismo
11. Grief
12. Vivian Girls
13. This Party Sucks
14. Void

1. Husk
2. This Party Sucks
3. Despondent
4. Consumer Contribution
5. Desocialized
6. Dissemble
7. Loot The Looters
8. Negate
9. Hate City Machismo
10. Grown Apart



Sarabante is a hardcore punk/crust band from Athens, Greece. Formed in late 2006, the band went through a fairly uneventful and inactive period involving a few changes in the initial line-up. In early 2010, the band reformed and the line-up was finally completed with its current members. They have since then finished recording their first full length album Remnants, which had originally started early 2008. This is an amazing LP. It's everything you want in a European crust record. It reminds me a lot of Hierophant. A 2-song 7" was also released in 2013, and while it leans towards a more produced metallic sound, it's still damn good. Get both of these.

- download -
1. Πνιγμένοι στη Σιωπή
2. Rain Of Shame
3. Blindfold
4. Revelation
5. Those That Break, Those Thast Hold
6. Για Πάντα Νύχτα
7. Our Day Of Torment (Here And Now)
8. Deluminate
9. Remnants
10. Fading Future
11. Do You Feel Safe?

1. Έρμαια Των Καιρών
2. Under The Shadows

ISOLATION TANK - Self Titled Demo


Get ready to have your eardrums violated by UK's Isolation Tank, a 2-piece maelstrom continuing on from where Self Loathing and Shut-In left off. This dirty, filthy 5-song rage-fest is up for a free download courtesy of Vetala Productions, a DIY record label based in London that releases small runs of tapes & CDr's. This demo reminds me a lot of the demo by Exhaustion that came out recently. If you were a fan of the band Throats, or anything else on Holy Roar Records, you are going to want to get this. Tapes will be available soon so keep an eye on Vetala's Facebook & Bandcamp pages, and check out their other cool releases.

- download -
1. Brimming With Shit
2. Offer Nothing
3. In Shackles
4. To Hell
5. Isolation Tank

STOCKPILE - Discography


Stockpile was a band from Philadelphia, PA that existed 2010-2012. They just put up their 2 EP's and I was able to find their demo for you. Vicious vocals and a breakneck pace are the standard of this band, and they definitely lean towards the punk end of the hardcore spectrum. Also, they may be the first band on this blog that doesn't down-tune their guitars, usually a cardinal sin. But they pull it off. Check them out.

- download -
1. Side A
2. Side B

1. Body Politic
2. Soviet Death Dealer
3. Erosion
4. Tongues
5. Your Trap
6. The Fear

1. Tongues
2. Celebrity News
3. Your Trap
4. Body Politic
5. Heaven's Gate
6. An Advertisement
7. Severed Snakes
8. Soviet Death Dealer



Our Mothers Suns is a 2-piece (?) band from the UK. Don't know anything else about them. They just put up a 4-song EP that is as beautiful as it is hardcore. This is literally the closest thing to "melodic" hardcore that you will ever see on this blog. So if you hate that stuff, stay away I guess. I can't help but be reminded of old Dischord bands when I hear the vocals. Call me crazy but I like this. Decide for yourself.

- download -
1. Royal & Dead
2. Drag me
3. Cut Me Out
4. Falling Away


No music to post tonight, so I thought I'd share a video I made. It's the song Magic Fingers from the Cursed album III: Architects Of Trouble Sleep, set to a great scene from the movie The Devil Rides Out (A.K.A. The Devil's Bride). All hail The Goat of Mendes! The Devil himself!!



Another double-post today, this time featuring 2 bands from Germany that have been around for a little while. Slump is from Mannheim and features members of Planks and Gun Mob, while Life Ends is from Lahr. Slump may still be a functioning band as they played a festival in June, but I don't think Life Ends is still around. Feel free to correct me in the comments. Anyway, I just discovered them recently so I'm mentioning them now. Sorry if this is old news to you. They are both raging grindcore crust bands that definitely have that "German hardcore" sound. Blistering production, perfect guitars and drums, scathing vocals and tons of riffs. They did a split LP together along with a few previous releases. You can see below that there seems to be 2 versions of the Slump side of the split LP. The recording may be the same, but they definitely sound WAY different. Maybe my Deutsch partner, David, will be able to shed some more light on this. The least he could do was type out all these God-damned German song names!

- download -
SPLIT LP (2012)
1. Galeere
2. Der Schuss In Den Ofen
3. Yes, I Am A Hater
4. Disroot
5. Pathos
6. 300 Stufen
7. Graumonster
8. In War We Crust
9. B.S.W.
10. Von Bombem und Sozialarbeitern
11. Geschwaetz

1. Routinier
2. Frohnatur
3. Zielstrebig Unfahig
4. Flucht
5. Menschenmuhle
6. Uberlebenskunstler
7. Aufhoren Zu Leben
8. Offener Vollzug
9. Selbstzufriedenheit
10. Ich Bin Ein Idiot
11. Persona Non Grata

1. Persoenlichkeitsbausatz
2. Yes, I Am A Hater
3. Nein, Kein Gott Da
4. Graumonster
5. All Richter Are Bastards
6. Identifikationslawine

1. Fuck
2. Letzte Konsequenz



I usually don't combine bands, but this time, it seems fitting. Avhath & Haul are both metallic hardcore bands from Indonesia. They recently did a split 7" together that just fucking RULES. Their other releases are also pretty good, leaning a little more to the metallic side of metallic hardcore, but my God, this split is a monster. I'm feeling a little lazy tonight so I will just let their own descriptions & influences speak for themselves:

Biography - formed in mid late 2010, combining every heavy elements of metal and hardcore from its darkest capacity, Haul will bring you to meet your death
Description - our music is desrcibed as cold, heavy and loud with assault riffs, destructive beats and apocalyptic lyrics
Influences - Discharge, WolfBrigade, Tragedy, Skitsystem, Wolves In The Throne Room, Burzum, Mayhem, Trap Them, Integrity, Corrupted

- download -
1. Per Aspera Ad Astra (Avhath)
2. Raised By Wolves (Avhath)
3. Surja (Haul)
4. Purnama (Haul)

1. A Kind Of Certainty
2. Une Generation Perdue

1. Madah
2. Abadian
3. Rima Penghitam Cakrawala
4. Elegi
5. Malam
6. Legiun Api
7. Halau Mentua

ENDLESS SWARM - Mindkiller EP (2013)


Endless Swarm is an absolutely smothering powerviolence/grind band from Edinburgh featuring members of Black Talon and Horrors That You've Seen. I don't know much more about this new band, but I will tell you that this 9-song EP is 10 minutes of murky, grinding punishment. If you're a fan of Shitstorm, IRA Graves or, of course, The Swarm, you're going to be quite pleased with this.

- download - band submission -
1. Dig The Nails
2. Gluesniffer Rising
3. Pedigree Chump
4. Mindkiller
5. Human Cattle
6. I.C.F.T.S.
7. Ritual Abuser
8. Muslamic Rayguns
9. Slave To The Crust



Caged Grave - Demo (HOLY SHIT THIS IS GOOD)

Prepare For The Mindscan - S/T EP

Conspiracy Of Denial - S/T LP





CRUEL FRIENDS - Rehearsal Recordings (2013)


Cruel Friends is a brand new all-star band from Germany (of course) featuring ex-members of Geraniüm, Gun Mob, Ende/Aus, Post War Depression & Attention Armageddon. Now, I can tell you this, Gun Mob is one of the best hardcore crust bands I have ever heard. Imagine Aplinist & Cursed being thrown into a blender together. Even though this is only 3 songs recorded at a practice, you can tell Cruel Friends is in this same vein of potential greatness. They just played their 1st show in August with another one coming up this month with Henry Fonda. I cannot wait to hear some proper recordings of this band.

- download -
1. Informationen
2. Krawattenuniform
3. Wer Wird Gewinnen

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